Puredrop is an export oriented manufacturing company of Water Softeners in India. Puredrop is a
leading brand in the field of Water Softeners. This water softening Plants are based on the
proven ion exchange process. The Water Softeners are simple in operation, highly efficient and
compact units designed to produce soft water efficiently and economically. The Water Softeners
are available in different sizes and materials, manually operated or fully Automatic, & ready to
install. The Water Softening Plants are available as standard models or custom built versions
for specific needs. The Water Softeners are available in different sizes and materials, manually
operated or fully Automatic, & ready to install. The Water Softening Plants are available as
standard models or custom built versions for specific needs. A typical water softening Plant
consists of pre-filters, Water Softener Vessel with Resin, Brine Tank, and accessories.